frequently asked questions


The Bar Methodを始めて間もない方は、おそらく2つの要因が体重増加の原因になっていると思われます。




だからこそ、The Bar Methodに通う生徒たちはスリムでたくましいのです。


The Bar Methodは自分に合っているでしょうか?

The Bar Methodは、あらゆる体型、運動レベルに対応します。


The Bar Methodは、理学療法士によって考案された、間接にやさしく、リハビリ効果のある、衝撃を与えないワークアウトです。

The Bar Methodは、膝、肩、手頸のケガ、腰痛、関節炎、脊柱管狭窄症など、特定のケガや症状をお持ちでも大丈夫です。

The Bar Methodは、激しい筋肉燃焼を生み出す力と、ワークアウトポジションに全神経を集中させる必要性から、非常にチャレンジングなトレーニングとなります。

このような特性から、The Bar Methodは、そのポジションや類を見ない細かい動きによる筋肉の火照りや揺れを感じながらエクササイズを続けられる人であれば誰にでも適しています。

The Bar Methodは、思春期以降の身体には最も効果的であり、お勧めできます。

The Bar Methodでは、「プラトー(停滞期)」になることはありますか?




The Bar Methodの技術は非常に正確なため、生徒はフォームを改善するために継続的に取り組むことができます。




The Bar Methodか、腰の可動域を広げる、ハムストリングのストレッチを含むエクササイズを行うべきです。

The Bar Methodが特に効果的なのは、筋力とストレッチを交互に行うことで、ストレッチ前に筋肉を疲弊させることで、その筋肉を伸ばしやすくすることです。

The Bar Methodには、ハムストリングに効果的なストレッチやエクササイズがいくつかあります。バーでのストレッチ、ラウンドバック、ファイナルストレッチなどです。







どれくらいカロリーが消費されるかは、体重、フィットネスレベル、年齢、これまでの減量パターン クラス中のハードワーク度合いなど、さまざまな要因によって異なります。






The Bar Methodは、他のバー・ワークアウトとどう違うのでしょうか?

The Bar Methodが他のバー・クラスと一線を画している理由の一つは、それが本物のメソッドであるからです。






The Bar Methodを受けるには年齢が高すぎますか?



The Bar Methodが高齢の生徒にも可能な理由のひとつは、教師がすべてのエクササイズにオプションをつけていることです。



The Bar Methodはどのくらいの頻度で通うべきでしょうか?


The Bar Methodは関節に負担をかけず安全なので、他のトレーニングとは異なり週6日まで行うことができ、筋肉が回復するのに十分な時間を確保することができます。






The Bar Methodは全身、特に脚を引き締めます。しかし、クラスを受講し始めてから3~5ヵ月の間は、筋肉が以前よりも存在感を増し、より豊かに感じられます。これは、新しく引き締まった筋肉が水分を保持し、また筋肉内の脂肪が外側押し出されたことが理由です。


The Bar Methodを他のエクササイズと組み合わせて行うことはできますか?


The Bar Methodは、総合的な全身ワークアウトのため、高いフィットネスレベルを作り、維持することに役立ちます。


また、The Bar Methodは、さまざまなエクササイズと組み合わせても効果的です。

The Bar Methodはスポーツのための素晴らしいトレーニング方法でもあり、自転車、スキー、ランニング、ハイキング、バスケットボール、ダンスなど、他の様々な運動のパフォーマンスを高めることができます。

The Bar Methodは有酸素運動ですか?


The Bar Methodのワークアウトはテンポが速く、心肺機能と筋力の両方に負荷をかけるため、クラスの中だけでなくワークアウト後も数時間にわたってカロリーを消費する激しいワークアウトになります。

The Bar Methodは男性でも大丈夫でしょうか

典型的なThe Bar Methodのスタジオは女性の方がほとんどを占めていますが、男性のお客様いらっしゃいます。



The Bar Methodは減量に役立ちますか?

The Bar Methodのエクササイズフォーミュラは、筋肉を強化しながら体重を最大限に減らせるように特別にデザインされています。

The Bar Methodに定期的に通っている生徒のほとんどは、時に数か月のうちに、よりスリムに、より軽くなっています。


The Bar Methodがこれほど効果的な理由の一つは、最もカロリーを消費する大きな筋肉群(脚と大殿筋)を意図的にターゲットにし、激しいペースで鍛え続けるからです。


次に、The Bar Methodは筋繊維の密度を高め、一日中カロリーを消費しやすい身体を作ります。

最後に、The Bar Methodは、引き締まった筋肉とリフトアップされた筋肉という短期間で目に見える結果を出すため、生徒たちはモチベーションを維持し、自分の身体が変化していくことに大きな喜びを感じることができます。これは、通い続け、健康的なライフスタイルを維持する大きな動機付けとなります。

Injuries or Medical Conditions


Studies of patients with fibro-myalgia have found that low impact aerobic exercise and gentle stretching can decrease pain. Medical experts do not recommend intense weight lifting because it can result in excessive muscle soreness. So while The Bar Method is safe to do if you have fibro-myalgia, you’ll need to take occasional breaks during the class, especially at first, to ease the muscle-burn associated with the strength work. Tell your instructor about your condition, so he or she understands your need to rest. If you get over the hump of initial soreness from your first Bar Method classes, your added strength, flexibility and improved posture will lessen the stress and strain on your muscles and joints. Other benefits of strengthening and stretching workouts are reduced depression, improved sleep and more energy. See your doctor for pain management if you have a severe case of fibro-myalgia.

Shoulder Condition

Our shoulder joints are especially vulnerable to injury. This goes back to when we evolved from four-legged to two-legged animals. When we began to use our arms, our shoulder joints became more flexible so that we could use them to throw and reach. This gain in flexibility caused the joint to lose stability. Bar Method arm-work is, for this reason, designed by physical therapists to help stabilize your shoulders by helping you strengthen the “stabilizer” muscles around them. If you have a shoulder injury, The Bar Method strongly recommends that you see a doctor before signing up to exercise. Physical therapy works well on shoulders, so you’ll optimize your recovery by putting yourself in the hands of a physical therapist before coming to a Bar Method class. Then, when you’re feeling better and get the ‘okay’ from your doctor to exercise, your Bar Method teacher will give you modifications to use in class that will help your shoulder continue to heal.

Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

Almost half of all women past menopause will develop a dowager’s hump, and you don’t want to be one of them. The Bar Method is ideal for keeping your bones strong and dense because its exercises are weight-bearing but non-impact, a perfect formula for putting the right amount of stress on your bones to build density without jarring your joints. Second, the many stretches performed during the class cause your muscles to tug at their underlying bones, stimulating your bones to grow stronger. Stretching also helps prevent impact injuries by making your muscles more elastic. Third, The Bar Method’s emphasis on strengthening around the hips and back helps prevent osteoporosis just where your body is most vulnerable to losing bone mass. Fourth, the posture exercises performed during the class reduce stress on the spine and shoulders. And finally, its balance work at the bar helps you steer clear of injuries from a fall. If you already have osteoporosis, ask your doctor’s advice on the types of exercise you should and should not be doing.

Knee Problems

If you have any type of knee injuries, it’s important to see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment before you exercise. After you get your doctor’s okay, The Bar Method workout can help you stabilize your knees by strengthening and aligning the muscles around them. This non- impact, highly controlled leg work is similar to what you’d do in physical therapy, and its gentle intensity is highly effective rehabilitation when you’re at the recovery stage. The Bar Method’s thigh exercises, are especially beneficial to the knees and can help alleviate most common knee conditions. The Bar Method’s thigh exercises use the bar to help you keep your torso vertical rather than having it lean diagonally forward as in a classic squat performed in the gym. This difference acts to make your quads more elastic, increase the range of motion in your hips, and give your legs a streamlined look.

Scoliosis or Fused Vertebrae

Scoliosis is a common condition where there is an abnormal curvature of the spine to one side (a lateral curvature of the spinal column). Scoliosis may occur from weakness of the muscles around the spine or from the spine not fully developing with growth. It may create an imbalance in your posture muscles, abdominal muscles and hip muscles. Scoliosis will not prevent you from doing The Bar Method in good form, though your back may look different in some Bar Methodexercisesthanotherstudents–especiallyin“one-weightlifts,”“fold-over”and “arabesque.” Ask your instructor if you need guidance on the correct alignment for you.


Sciatica is pain in the buttocks and the back of the legs due to irritation of the sciatic nerve or nerve roots. It’s really a symptom of several different conditions, including a herniated disk, spinal stenosis, piriformis syndrome, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and degenerative disk disease. If you have or have had sciatic pain, The Bar Method workout might be just what the doctor ordered. The Method originated as a therapeutic back strengthening program for a dancer who hurt her back. Consequently every exercise during the class focuses on strengthening, stretching or aligning the back.

Wrist Sensitivity

Tens of thousands of Americans, most of them women, suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, which is a compression of the median nerve at the wrist resulting in numbness and pain. An even greater number of people are genetically predisposed to this syndrome by having a smaller than average opening in their carpel tunnel, the passageway through which nerves travel through the wrist to the hand. Today, heavy computer use has increased the likelihood that these people will come down with the condition. Falling on a hand or wrist, a common injury, is another way people end up with wrist pain. Remember to use pain as a guide, and stop when you feel significant pain in the area where you’re injured! Always see your doctor before you attempt to exercise. He or she can give you effective treatments and therapies for your condition. The Bar Method has developed modifications for every exercise that exerts pressure on the wrists, so be sure to alert your instructor and take their adjustments for a personalized experience. By exercising mindfully, you’ll end up not only pain free but also with stronger joints that are less vulnerable to injury.

A Foot, Ankle or Calf Condition

Foot, ankle and calf injuries including bunions and plantar fasciitis are extremely common due to women’s love of dangerously high heeled shoes, the hard pavements we dash around on, and how easy it is in the general course of life for our feet and ankles to be sprained and broken. The Bar Method is an ideal workout choice if you have one of these conditions. It’s non-impact, performed on a soft carpet, and provides special options for students with sensitive feet. As always, ask your Bar Method instructor for modifications as needed – he or she will be more than happy to help!

Neck discomfort

When your abs are weak, your body tends to compensate with other muscles. A “curl” motion might translate into an effort on the part of your neck rather than your abs. Your neck might also experience discomfort because of a natural tightness in your back muscles – not in itself a problem, but something you need to be aware of during ab work. The Bar Method curl section offers solutions to both these conditions. Teachers provide their students with mats and a cushion they can place under their ribs if needed, and will then show them how to position the back support to work effectively. In the curl section of class, students are free to work at their own pace and can sit up and reset when needed. With practice, most Bar Method students learn to do rhythmic curls with their abs and without neck discomfort.

Hamstring Strain

Having a hamstring strain is painful -- and easy to do! Dancers, cheerleaders, athletes of all kinds, and people who engage in any type of exercise can strain a hamstring. And the diagnosis is not great after that, since hamstring strains don’t heal quickly and can become chronic if left untreated. For this reason, your first step on your road to recovery is to see your doctor. Once your doctor okays you to exercise, come back to class and tell your instructor you have a hamstring condition so he or she can give you the modifications you need to work safely. Then start slowly, be patient, and back off an exercise when you feel significant pain that is clearly caused by your injury and not a muscle burn. Remember, while you’re recovering from a hamstring strain, don’t get ahead of yourself and push too hard! Listen to your body, and use the above modifications as long as is needed for the best resolution.

Can I take The Bar Method if I have an injury or medical condition?

Yes! The Bar Method instructors are well versed in human anatomy and can help you modify exercises to ensure you are comfortable while maintaining the effectiveness of the workout. Be sure to tell your instructor about your condition so they can best assist you. Please read applicable sections below to discover how The Bar Method can work for you. Disclaimer: Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional.

Exercise Headaches

Exercise headaches are a common medical phenomenon. They're usually caused by vassal dilation in the temporal arteries during intense exertion. We recommend that you discuss your headaches with your doctor and ask him or her about medications and other courses of treatment that could help.


The National Institutes of Health calls exercise “so important” for those with lupus because “too much rest can be harmful to muscles, bones and joints.” The NIH’s patient handout also says that exercise “can help you feel better, both mentally and physically.” Over the years Bar Method students with lupus have reported that their affected joints feel better after their Bar Method classes. Most of all these students have talked about overall increased well-being. All this said, check with your doctor before starting The Bar Method or any other exercise program.

Hip Injury

Hip sensitivity can arise from many causes, among them years of running or dancing, inherent hip tightness, or simply being out of shape. The Bar Method workout features protections against overuse of your hip-flexors combined with non-impact core strengthening to stabilize and protect your hip joints. Inform your instructor if you have sensitive hip-flexors and they will provide you with modifications that will allow you to workout comfortable. Additionally, the work you’re doing to strengthen your quads and abdominals will contribute to the health of your hips in the long run.

Varicose Veins

Doctors say that exercise is the best therapy for varicose veins. Getting the heart pumping helps send blood through the veins and discourages the pooling that's the cause of the condition. The Bar Method has helped fade veins in some students. Its “round-back” exercise, which works the legs upside down, is especially good therapy for varicose veins since it allows gravity to draw the blood from your legs and back to your heart. Before you begin an exercise program, get your doctor’s okay to exercise. Then stick with the routine for at least six weeks if you can. Improving your fitness levels and getting stronger might help to alleviate your discomfort.

Back Conditions

The Bar Method is based in part on rehabilitative back therapy and has helped countless people to free themselves of back pain. The Bar Method’s exercises work because they “rewire” the connection between the core muscles and the limbs. The standing seat exercise, for example, teaches you to keep your spine stable while using your glutes, thereby teaching your body to move from the hips, not the lower back. The Bar Method also frees up your lower back muscles by gently stretching them throughout the class

IT Band Syndrome

IT Band (ilio-tibial band) Syndrome is a painful condition that occurs when a hip muscle called the “TFL” tightens up from running or overuse in general. The Bar Method strengthens and stretches this muscle, thereby allowing it to release and calm down. In the meantime, if you have IT band syndrome, ask your instructor how best to modify in class to facilitate the healing process.

Pregnant or Post Natal

How Do I Begin Taking The Bar Method When I’m Pregnant?

First, bring a note from your doctor stating that you can safely participate in strengthening and stretching exercise classes while you are pregnant.

If you’ve never exercised at The Bar Method, we recommend that you take several Bar Online Pre-Natal classes so that your body gently becomes accustomed to the exercises and deep muscle work (while it’s already undergoing lots of other changes due to your growing belly). After you’re familiar with the class, it will be easier to start taking regular beginner or mixed class.

How do I modify the class when I’m pregnant?

There are several modifications that we recommend for pregnant clients, including:

Stall-bar stretch:
Skip the stretch on the stall bar, which students usually perform before and after class, so as not to over-stretch your internal organs.

"Cobra" or "counter-stretch":
Do a “cat stretch” on your hands and knees instead of “cobra stretch”

Thigh stretch:
During thigh stretch series, do not take the option to do a split (due to hormonal changes, pregnant students are more flexible in their hips so it’s important to stretch gently). Instead, stick with the “hamstring stretch” position.

How do I modify the class when I’m 20 weeks or more into my pregnancy?

Continue to use the modifications above, and add the following ones:

One-weight lifts:
For one-weight lifts, work with your back at less of a forward angle or hold onto the bar for balance.

You can do pushups against the bar with your heels up or down.

Stretch at the bar:
Do stretch at the bar in a kneeling position.

For seat-work, replace the “fold-over” and “arabesque” exercises with “standing seat” or “diagonal seat.”

In round-back, place three or four riser mats under your large exercise mat (your instructor will give them to you). Lean on the risers so that your spine is at no more than 45 degrees back. The risers allow you to gently stretch your lower back and work your lower abs at the same time. This position
will keep the weight of your uterus from tiling back onto major blood vessels. Hold onto a strap over the arch of your extended foot.

In flat-back, keep one or both of your feet on the floor if you feel uncomfortable lifting both at the same time.

In curl, lean on three or four “riser” mats as you did during “round-back.” Substitute both versions of “clam” and “low curl with one or both legs up” with any of the other curl exercises that are taught with both feet on the floor. Start and stop as needed during the curl section.

Stretches after curl:
During the stretches after curl, do the sitting “mermaid stretch” (shown) in place of the prone back stretch. Sit up with both knees bent to one side. Lift your opposite arm and gently lean your torso sideways towards your feet

Modify “back-dancing” by kneeling in front of the bar and holding onto it rather than lying down.

Final stretch:
In the final stretch, replace butterfly stretch with a half lotus stretch. During the “strap stretch,” sit up and place one foot in the strap. Place your other leg with a bent knee on the floor for stability.